The Hitchhiker: Why Are You Here?: A television journalist gets caught up in the lives of three wild and crazy young people.

The Hitchhiker is just a bad show to start with. It is like a poor quality "Twilight Zone" (with sex and violence on the original HBO shows). Not to say they aren't sometimes entertaining and even somewhat decent occasionally. But "Why Are You Here" is not one of those episodes. It has the makings of something good, but it just doesn't come together. The lack of a plot doesn't help much, either. The whole things is filmed from a "cameraman's eye view" to give it a spontaneous quality. Unfortunately, it does look spontaneous, as if almost no planning went into the episode. Too bad.

Mitchell Anderson has one of the most interesting characters in the show. His character loves taking pictures of people (see him holding the Polaroid above) but can't stand to have a camera pointed at him. So he spends most of his time pushing the camera out of his way, or blocking his face with his own camera as he takes pictures, hence the stunning array of screen captures.