Mitchell Anderson plays Ross, Claudia's openly gay violin teacher, on Fox's Party of Five. Although it is a small role, I was surprised at how hard it is to find any mention of him, besides his name and the character's name if even that much, on most of the existing Party of Five sites. Many of them have pictures of characters that haven't been on the show in months, and even Bullseye, the dog. (How often do you see him?) But no Mitchell Anderson. Gee, I wonder why.

Because of this, I decided to start my own page. Maybe there is a better one out there that is just hiding from me. I sure hope so, because I know next to nothing about the man. But I'll give it a shot.

I've made a couple "poems" about Mitchell Anderson with my Magnetic Poetry kits, one from volume one and one from volume two, as a token of my esteem. However, this should not be construed as fanaticism toward Mr. Anderson on my part; I just like magnetic poetry a whole lot and like to take on a variety of subjects. With that said, here they are:

Poem #1, Set One

Poem #2, Set Two Yeah, the structure needs help, but hey, it rhymes!

Magnetic Poetry kits are groups of about 450 words and word fragments that can be arranged in countless ways. They are fun, challenging, educational, and complete time wasters. Don't be fooled by imitations! Magnetic Poetry (tm) is the best. For more info, click here.

If you have any info, pictures, links, or anything else to share, e-mail me at